Rubber production Control System


The rubber production Traceability and Control System for Orven rubber provides control of the production stages of rubber dough. The control of the chemical weighing station, the rubber dough weighing station and the banbury mixer is the basis of the system. The information required to control these three key elements is retrieved from the database. The system aims to reduce operator initiative during the manufacturing phase, to remotely monitor operating status information, and to find the contents of the rubber dough backward with the bar code.

One of the work orders entered by the engineering department at the chemical weigh station is selected. The boxes of chemical substances according to the selected order of work are positioned in front of the operator one by one and write down how much weighing is to be done. If the chemical it is tampered with is still within the tolerance values entered by the engineering department, the operator is allowed to continue the operation. The chemical used is out of stock. When the scale of all chemicals entered in the repair order is complete, a label will appear on the printer with the barcode for this operation. The barcode on the label can be used to access the data for this discussion.

The work order is selected at the rubber resin weigh station and writes with the tolerance values for which to weigh, a bar code label is also available when the process is complete and the bar code data on this label is available.

After the order is selected at the Banbury mixer entrance, the labels of the chemical and rubber resin to be used are read from their system. The products used with the rubber dough to be produced here are controlled by a work order/barcode matching from the database. The oil types and dust types to be used are taken from the database together with the amount of dust. The program controls the banbury mixer machine to alert the operator where necessary, to prevent disruption of the sequence of operations, to set the mixing times according to the database. A label is also printed on the barcode printer after this station operation. The bar code on this label at the end of each operation can be accessed separately for each dough, and the amount of material that is inside the rubber dough.

For all three stations, work orders are entered remotely in detail. The operating states of stations, the number of shift production of operators, stock conditions can be monitored remotely. Other than this, backward content information can be obtained from the system's latest product through the database.


Stations in the Banbury Tracking ERP system

    Chemical weighing station

    Rubber weighing station

    Banbury dough station

Input Units

    Component description

    Formula definition

    Prescription definition

    Stock entry

    Order a job

The reports are very large and the main reports are given below.

    Report hourly on daily stations by work order

    profermans graph in the appetites within 1 weeks

    Dough tracking can follow which combinations and quantities of dough are made by entering a dough bar code.

    In one month, comparing production quantities by prescription and graphically analyzing

It also comes from the highlights of this program

    The Stock Status of the Consolidation

    Controlling the expiration date and stopping automatic production in this lot

    Automatic email to purchase raw made stock when credit is received

    FIFO in production

    Process tracking

    Encryption of all formulas, Prescription and content for users through the entitlement feature