Company information
Peykan Software Automation and Electronics Industry. Trade Ltd. Sti. was established in 1999 in Bursa. The purpose of the company's establishment is to develop special applications in the fields of industrial automation, software and electronic design, and also to provide consultancy services in this regard.
Our globalizing world has now shrunk and has become a single market. Customer as an individual or institution; has the opportunity to buy the goods and services it needs from any point in the world with countless alternatives. This situation has established the customer kingdom instead of the seller reign.
D-U-N-S Number: 56-548-3518
Our Mission : To be a company that follows the developments in software and automation and produces innovations, as well as to produce innovative solutions specific to each sector and to develop and present advanced technology solutions aiming at the highest level of customer satisfaction.
Our Vision :To be a brand in the software and automation projects it produces and to be the most preferred company with a professional infrastructure.
Some of our applications:
- It produces solutions for all kinds of special applications and requests with microcontroller-based, computer or microcontroller - computer-controlled automation.
- Our company offers solutions with database, simulation and reporting programs at a time when "man-machine interface" applications are constantly increasing.
- In our age, as the relationship between web design and internet and automation becomes indispensable day by day, web programs are written that allow monitoring and even
- PLC system configuration, design, hardware and programming.
- Endüstriyel Otomasyon & Proses sistemleri tasarımı & uygulamaları.
Industrial Process Management
In today's world, where competition is increasing in all sectors, it is of great importance that the business opportunities created and the activities carried out are transformed into business profitability. Sustaining the competition of companies is directly proportional to the provision of quality products and services. Basically, the main source of these indispensables lies in the process improvements of the companies.At this point, we believe that the value of PC Based Automation can be better understood. Improvements and changes to be made in the process in computer-controlled automations can be made at low cost and in a short time. All computer users will guess that the benefits of PC-based automation are too numerous to summarize in a few paragraphs.
- Chemical Industry
- Natural and Petroleum Pipelines, Petrochemical Industry
- Iron and Steel Industry
- Electricity Generation and Transmission Systems, Electricity Distribution Facilities
- Water Collection, Treatment and Distribution Facilities
- Air Pollution Control
- Cement Industry
- Automotive Industry
- Traffic Control
- Food Industry
- Building Automation
- Process Facilities are the main sectors.
In PC-Based automation,it is very important to collect unlimited data, ease to integrate with peripherals, to save and view historical reports later, to obtain the most complex problems and graphical values, as well as to use PC-based automation safely and smoothly in mass production and machine control.
Our Policy
Our Vision
To become a brand in the software and automation projects it produces and to be the most preferred company
- Expanding into new sectors and other countries.
- To become a brand in sectors that provide finished products and services directly to customers.
Our mission
To be a company that follows the developments in software and automation and produces innovations. To produce innovative solutions specific to each sector.
- To act with the motto of "Human First"
- To keep customer satisfaction above all else.
- Being open to change.
- Maintaining the belief and enthusiasm to be the best in the subject.
- Not compromising professional ethics.
- To create resources for continuous improvement
- Never compromising our understanding of quality service.
Quality goals
- To ensure the branding of the devices and projects developed.
- To expand the customer portfolio in the foreign market with its branded products.
- To follow and apply technological developments closely to reduce costs and increase profitability.
- To continuously increase the quality level by giving importance to teamwork so that all employees become more competent and able to use their talents at the highest level within the framework of quality systems.
- To be an exemplary organization that respects the society and the environment we live in and to contribute to the country's economy by constantly improving its business volume.
- To serve the purpose of announcing our company to Turkey more
Our Policy
In order to realize Peykan's vision and fulfill his mission,
- Providing friendly service
- Providing fast technical service
- Providing customer-specific solutions
- Being open to scientific approaches
- To do your job fondly
- To continuously improve the (QMS) Quality Management System
- To be a reliable and sought-after company with an understanding that fully meets the needs and expectations of the customer in all processes.
- To establish quality awareness in all employees
- To cooperate with suppliers based on trust
- To prevent the unsuitability that may arise later by producing the most appropriate, most accurate and most economical solutions in the fastest way.
- To complete every project started on time, in full compliance with the project with the highest level of techniques, in the desired quality and within the budget limits.
- Adopted as a Quality Policy.